Preparation of PEDOT: PSS-C composite film counter electrode on the flexible substrate 柔性基底上PEDOT:PSS-C复合薄膜对电极的制备
Preparation of carbon counter electrode by doctor blade for flexible dye-sensitized solar cell 丝网印刷法制备柔性染料敏化太阳能电池碳对电极
Based on MEMS technology, a micro three-electrode system including an Au working electrode, a Pt counter electrode and a Pt pseudo-reference electrode was produced. 采用MEMS技术,在硅片上制备了分别以Au、Pt、Pt为电极材料的工作电极、对电极以及准参比电极的微型三电极系统。
It is pointed out that the smart windows with two electrochromic films greatly simplify the procedure of fabrication and exhibit better performance than the traditional five-or four-layer devices working in absence of specific ion storage counter electrode. 指出具有双电致变色膜层的互补型结构智能窗不仅大大简化了制作工序,而且性能也优于传统五层型智能窗和无离子储存对电极层的四层型智能窗。
The working electrode and the counter electrode were arranged as two concentric columns whose diameters were different. 工作电极与对电极采用内外同心圆柱形的布置方式;
Preparation the Counter Electrode of Nanocrystalline Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Via Self-assembly Method 自组法制备纳晶敏化太阳能电池对电极
The last semicircle or line in the low-frequency region was for the resistance of the interphase between the counter electrode of Li and electrolyte solution or the diffusion of lithium-ion in the CAW electrode. 而处于低频端的直线或半圆对应于锂离子在碳原子线电极中的扩散或对电极锂片与电解质之间的界面阻抗。
A novel MOEMS optical switch array was proposed, including upper electrode array, counter electrode array and collimation optical fibers array. 设计了一种新型结构的MOEMS阵列光开关,开关由上电极阵列、倾斜下电极阵列和准直光纤阵列三部分组成。
Recent advances in tantalum electrolyte capacitor using conductive polymer for counter electrode are reviewed. 综述了导电高分子钽电解电容器的最新研究进展。
The counter electrode can be placed either inside or outside the cavity. 对电极可根据需要置于共振腔的外面或里面。
Recent Advances in the Research on the Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitor: Using Conductive Polymer for Counter Electrode 导电高分子钽电解电容器的研究进展导电高分子材料导电高分子
The NPC cell was assembled by dropping an electrolyte solution into the space between the TiO2/ dye electrode and the counter electrode and connecting an external circuit. TiO2/染料电极与对电极组装,在两者之间滴上电解质溶液,连接外电路,完成NPC电池的组装。
A method was established for individual modification of three gold microelectrode bases sealed in the channel into a GOD enzyme working electrode, an Ag/ AgCl reference electrode and a platinum counter electrode, respectively. 建立了一种PC微流控芯片封合之后,在通道内分别把三个金膜微电极修饰成葡萄糖氧化酶修饰工作电极、Ag/AgCl参比电极、Pt对电极的方法。
Now the platinum counter electrode on conductive glass is often prepared by different preparation methods. 目前多采用镀铂的对电极,即采用不同方法将铂镀在导电玻璃上。
Graphene-Au nanoparticle composite film was fabricated by electrophoretic deposition and used as a counter electrode for CdS quantum dot-sensitized solar cells ( QDSSCs). 电泳沉积制备石墨烯/金纳米颗粒复合薄膜作为对电极应用于CdS量子点敏化太阳能电池。
The results showed that standard Pt counter electrode and I-/ I3-electrolyte both have negligible resistances and are thus not main efficiency-limiting factors. 结果显示,标准的Pt对电极以及I-/I3-电解质溶液的电阻较小,不是限制DSC效率的主要因素。
In this paper, three different methods of preliminary preparation of carbon counter electrodes were introduced, and the performances were tested. Last, a better method with low cost to preparing the carbon counter electrode was confirmed. 本文用了三种不同的方法初步制备了碳电极,并对其进行了各种性能测试,找到一种较好制备碳对电极的方法,降低了DSC的生产成本。
Dye-sensitized solar cell ( DSSC) is one of the third generation thin film solar cells, which is composed of a photoanode electrode, electrolyte, and a counter electrode ( CE). 染料敏化太阳能电池(Dye-SensitizedSolarCell,DSSC)属于第三代新型薄膜太阳能电池。DSSC由光阳极、电解液和对电极三部分组成。
For the second new type of counter electrode, its influence on solar cell 'performances were researched. 本论文针对第二种新型对电极,进行了其对电池性能影响的初步研究。
Active area, the thickness of the platinum on the counter electrode and the concentration of electrolyte are important for affecting factors of DSC in series. 活性面积、对电极铂层厚度以及电解液的浓度是影响串联DSC的重要因素。
Based on the working mechanism of SSCs, the interface contact between the sensitizer ( dye or quantum dots) and semiconductor film, the structure of photoanode, and the electrochemical catalytic activity of counter electrode are important factors for the device performance. 从敏化太阳能电池的工作机理来看,敏化剂(染料及量子点)与半导体薄膜的界面接触、光阳极的结构、对电极的催化还原性能等是影响其光电转换效率的主要原因。
First, a new type of counter electrode consisting of glass substrate, aluminum film and platinum film was proposed. 为此,提出两种新型对电极结构。第一种由基底材料、铝薄膜和其上的铂薄膜构成。
In the study, Pt wire as counter electrode, Ag/ AgCl as reference electrode, with the quartz electrode plated gold form a three electrodes system. 本实验采用三电极体系,其中以Pt丝为辅助电极,Ag/AgCl为参比电极,镀金石英电极为工作电极。
The major work is presented as following: ( 1) TiN as counter electrode for DSSCs. 主要研究工作包括如下内容:(1)染料敏化太阳能电池的氮化钛对电极材料。
MEA is employed as both a counter electrode and working electrode ( with an external SCE reference electrode) for oxidation of hydroquinone in contact with ammonium sulphate under humidified nitrogen gas. 膜电极被同时用作对电极和工作电极(用外部饱和甘汞电极),在于硫酸铵和加湿氮气接触条件下,研究了对苯二酚的氧化还原过程并得到了清晰的氧化还原响应。
Sulfides and their composite materials are used as counter electrode materials of DSC. We have obtained higher energy conversion efficiency, reducing the costs of DSC. 将硫化物及复合材料分别用于DSC对电极材料,获得了较高的能量转化效率,同时也降低了DSC电池的制作成本。
The Photo Electrode and Counter Electrode are the most important components in DSSC. To achieve roll-to-roll mass production, the high efficiency and low cost substrates become the heart of the matter. 光阳极和对极是DSSC中最重要的组成部分,要实现大规模生产应用,高性能但是价格低廉的基底则是一个关键的问题。
Studies show that: The conversion efficiency(η) increases linearly along with the content of active carbon in graphite/ activated carbon counter electrode, while the fill factor ( FF) parabolically increases. 研究表明:随着石墨/活性碳对电极中活性碳含量增加,转换效率(η)随之呈线性增加,而填充因子(FF)也呈抛物线增加。